Roma Caput Mundi

Roma Caput Mundi

If eternity had a sound, color, or even taste, you would found and realize it exactly in the ROME*

“Roma Caput Mundi” is a phrase we have heard so many times, and that literally means “Rome, the capital of the world”

:I explain you more

Rome founded on the banks of the Tiber river in 753 B.C., according to legend, by Romulus and Remus, Rome was first the centre of the Roman Republic, then of the Roman Empire, and in the fourth century, became the capital of the Christian world. Rome’s most obvious strength was its military. The Romans had the best training and training facilities,the biggest budget and best armoury the world at that time has ever seen. Caput Mundi is a Latin phrase used to describe a city as the Capital of the World. The first to use this phrase was the Latin poet Marco Anneo Lucano, who in 61 after Christ wrote in his poem Pharsalia: “Ipsa, Caput Mundi, bellorum maxima merces, Rome capo facilis” Which means: “Rome itself, the capital of the world, the most important prey of war, easy to subjugate. But there is also another version of the phrase Roma Caput Mundi, or Rome Caput Orbis, whose meaning is still Rome the capital of the world. The first to make mention of it in this sense is the poet Publio Ovidio Nasone, who had written it before Lucan, in 14 BC, in his Amores.

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Roma Caput Mundi

Roma Caput Mundi



Roma Caput Mundi


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